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Mobility Roadmap in Industry 4.0 to foster innovation in the SMEs
Start date: Oct 3, 2016, End date: Oct 2, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project MAPPING 4.0 "Mobility Roadmap for Industry 4.0 to foster innovation in the SMEs" originates from the training needs expressed by the manufacturing sector in connection with the introduction and progressive statement of changes related to the theme of the Industry 4.0 within the processes production of industrial and non-industrial, such as handicraft, organisation of work.This paradigm shift, considered as a fourth industrial revolution, necessarily leads to deep changes in the medium term, not exclusively technological ones, and the enterprises, especially the SMEs, need to face and gear up in terms of upskilling and professional skills.The survey conducted by STAUFEN ITALY (2015) highlights how 7 out of 10 enterprises, although they’re conscious of the need to adapt their production methods to the standards of the Smart Manufacturing, are still at an early stage or have not yet undertaken any concrete action in response to the inputs coming from the international companies for which they are subcontractors.Farsighted policies of personnel training, based on the identification of the required competencies and skills, are the basis for the maintenance of competitive and job occupational levels in the coming years.The National Consortium is composed by representatives of industrial and handicraft actors of the Italian economic territory (Confindustria Veneto SIAV -Lead Partener- and ECIPA), by one of the major technology transfer centers (PST Galileo) and primary VET providers (ENAIP Veneto and Politecnico Calzaturiero). Mirroring the national situation, also the National Consortium expresses the need for the trainers’ upskilling in relation to the different aspects of the Industry 4.0, in order to respond to the market demand.MAPPING 4.0 provides an answer to these needs, with a particular focus on Human Resources, widely recognised as innovation driver key factor for competitiveness. The project not only provides an update of the content of the training services, but also proposes a set of activities to be used as a basis for a re-thinking of the internal services, teaching methodologies and knowledge transfer tools.A further strong point of the project is represented by the many opportunities for exchanging best practices between three complementary players, composed by:- trainers as internal members staff;- the highly specialised staff of the receiving organisations;- Italian and European entrepreneurs involved in the different HR activities.The collaboration between the Human Resources managers/entrepreneurial component and the National Consortium staff/VET experts will act as a catalyst to maximize the impact and sustainability of the project in the medium to long term. In detail, 60 mobility actions will be implemented, as follows:- 30 teaching / training assignments, reserved to entrepreneurs / HR managers with a proof of thorough knowledge on the topics related to Industry 4.0 and have implemented changes within their contexts and the training policies;- 30 staff training activities, for the National Consortium staff.Long-term goal of the project is to contribute, in a functional way, in coaching the manufacturing enterprises to a re-organisation and transformation of the Human Resources management and the production processes, giving a strong impact on the territory and contributing to the regeneration of the competitive potential of manufacturing companies, thanks to the upskilling and the new knowledge transferred. Short-medium term goal is to develop a network of VET experts who, thanks to the training at the European centers of excellence, will be able to implement the new acquired tools in order to support the economic reference value, highlighting the adaptation of innovative know-how within their contexts.Activities will last from 4 to 6 days, taking into account the needs expressed by the entrepreneurial component in relation to the total duration of the activities, combined as follows:- the staff of the National Consortium members will benefit of focused training opportunities, defined on the basis of the training needs expressed by the individuals during the selection’ process. These elements will join the training opportunities given by the receiving partners;- selected Human Resources managers and entrepreneurs will take part to peer learning training activities, providing opportunities of exchange of the best practices together with the experts of the European centers, focusing on innovative case studies.Therefore MAPPING 4.0 aims to produce a direct impact on the staff and trainers of the National Consortium members, VET experts, National Consortium Partners, manufacturing enterprises, European partners and their staff.The membership of the NC partners to important networks at the national level (Confindustria, CNA, ENAIP, Chambers of Commerce and Industry System, National Technological Clusters), guarantees an impact throughout the country.
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