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Mobilité innovante dans la voie professionnelle 2016
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The consortium « Innovative Mobility in the vocational field 2016 » (MOBinov 16) will boost European mobility in company abroad to the advantage of 255 learners from Nord Pas de Calais – Picardy: pupils from secondary schools for vocational training, apprentices and vocational trainees. The region Nord-Pas-de-Calais – Picardy has nearly 6 million inhabitants, which represents 9.4% of the population of metropolitan France. It is thus the third most populated French area in the new territorial organisation. The new region is characterized by its youth with the highest proportion of under-25-year-olds and student attractiveness.Raising the level of training remains a significant objective for the new region while, at the same time, the number of school leavers without qualifications is still above the national average. While the rate of unemployment is below the national average from the level V, the lack of training is a major handicap in the career and for the integration into the workplace. Improving the level of training, the rise of abilities for employees, the lifelong learning for job seekers, or even strengthening the fight for literacy and preventing from dropping out of school before the first qualification remain major issues. The main objective of the MOBinov 16 project is to foster the mobility of targeted beneficiaries in order to secure their training route and to favour their long-term professional integration. About thirty partner organisations (secondary schools for vocational training, apprentices training centres, training organisms) are going to federate within the consortium and experience joint projects in a sector-based logic.A steering committee, in accordance with a coordinating team, will supervise the implementation of the project. Each organism, which is member of the consortium, will conduct its mobility project along with the support of the steering committee. The link between the other consortia of the territory (consortium of Local Missions for complementary beneficiaries – NEET –, academic consortia of Amiens and Lille) will be assured under the auspices of the Regional Committee for Mobility (COREMOB) and will ensure that the targeted people are complementary and the territory well covered. Impacts expected on the beneficiaries of mobility projects carried out during MOBinov 16:- Improving the propensity for mobility and the openness to the world and to Europe,- Improving professional skills- Improving employability - Improving the rate of people returning to school or deciding to pursue studies.Impacts expected on education staff:- Improving teaching skills- Improving the knowledge of European mechanisms- Strengthening the motivation for setting up mobility projects.Impacts expected on participating organisations (educational institutions/training bodies)- Developing local partnership,- Developing European and international openness,- Developing attractiveness (young people chose to study in these institutions/training bodies) and recognition,- Improving the skills of administrative teams in terms of project follow-up and management.The project MOBinov 16 meets the challenges of Nord Pas de Calais – Picardy’s territory (fostering professional mobility, returning to school and having access to level V diploma at least, pursuing studies in higher education, equal access to vocational training, raising the level of training. The project MOBinov 16 will contribute to rekindle interest from educational institutions and training bodies for European and international mobility. It will enable to disseminate the good practices already tested and produce other European projects.

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