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Mapping Atlantic Area seabed habitats for better marine management (MeshAtlantic)
Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

MeshAtlantic wants to promote harmonised production and use of marine habitat maps covering the Atlantic Area. To reach this goal, intends to adapt and enhance previous achievements to the area, hence bringing the region onto equal footing with northern Europe. Achievements: The Final MeshAtlantic Conference, under the main theme titled Mapping Atlantic Area Seabed Habitats for Better Marine Management, was successfully held in Aveiro, Portugal, hosted by the Aveiro University. This conference took place in 15th - 17th September, 2013 at the University premises gathering over 100 representatives of public and private institutions with interests in marine habitat mapping. This event served as a forum to share experiences and provide interaction about the habitat mapping themes.MeshAtlantic achievements in a Blue Box The MeshAtlantic project is naturally reaching its end. During its lifetime the project provided an excellent opportunity to develop intense collaboration and work among the partnership to accomplish the proposed objectives in favour of seabed habitat mapping across the European Atlantic Area (France, Ireland, Portugal and Spain). As a result, a range of outputs concerning marine habitat mapping were produced. The MeshAtlantic Blue Box package has been designed to give in an unique product a broad overview of the most important achieved results. A set of 12 documents makes up the Blue Box, each of them detailing the main output of a specific activity carried out under the project:>Overview of MeshAtlantic >Atlantic Area EUNIS Habitats >EUNIS Conference - Book of Abstracts >EUNIS Classification Collaborative Paper >Generating a Broad-scale EUNIS Habitat Map >Broad-scale EUNIS Habitat Maps >Scoping of Habitat Mapping Surveys >Reports on MeshAtlantic Survey Sites >Detailed EUNIS Habitat Maps >Atlantic Area Stakeholder Viewpoints >MeshAtlantic Multimedia Exhibition >MeshAtlantic Follow-on StrategyThe abstract book as well as the presentations and posters can be accessed through the project site (

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  • 65.1%   2 274 802,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants