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maNET - Permafrost long-term monitoring network (PermaNET)
Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Jul 13, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Permafrost is highly sensitive to climatic changes. Permafrost degradation and related natural hazards affect traffic routes, tourism areas, settlements and infrastructures. The main problem is a lacking strategy for the consideration of these newly observed specific impacts of climate change in risk prevention and territorial development. With the joint development of a common strategy for dealing with permafrost and related hazards under changing climatic conditions and the creation of an Alpine-wide monitoring network the project aims at preventing natural hazards, at contributing to sustainable territorial development and at the implementation of good governance practices. Outputs are an Alpine-wide permafrost monitoring network, a permafrost map for the entire Alpine Space and guidelines for the consideration of permafrost in risk and water resources management. The project arises the awareness of decision-makers and responsible authorities to this topic and provides Alpine-wide decision bases and strategies. Achievements: The project partnership was compiling all the material for editing the common project reports. An editorial team was set up for the editing of the synthesis paper. The work package reports are in progress of drafts for publication. The key monitoring stations have been maintained and in some cases repaired. The first data of the monitoring stations has been analysed. As it was in former reporting periods, the project partnership disseminated the project results at many external events and conferences. Because now the project could show first results, the involvement of the project observers and other stakeholders have been involved in the project activities. In two cases, the project results (permafrost evidences) entered directly in management and information systems of protection areas resp. have been used by public authorities responsible for natural hazard management. The permafrost distribution map of the Alps is in a finishing stage.Outputs and results can be downloaded on the following ASP web page:[uid]=14&tx_txrunningprojects_pi1[view]=singleView
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  • 74.9%   2 472 635,08
  • 2007 - 2013 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

13 Partners Participants