European Projects
Maintaining all Green and Ecoinnovation Results in.. (GREENXPO)
Maintaining all Green and Ecoinnovation Results in a Living Portal
Start date: Jun 1, 2013,
End date: May 31, 2015
The greenXpo consortium comprises a balanced group of policy makers, SMEs, multipliers, technical and innovation experts from Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and Taiwan that are strongly committed to boosting the green economy through the greenXpo eco-innovation expertise portal.The consortium is best prepared for this action since it comprises organisations that have already led actions to analyse and promote technological and non-technological eco-innovation, eco-innovative policies as well as networks such as ECO-INNOVERA, ECOPOL, ECO-PRO (INNOVATIONSEEDS) and the Eco-Innovation Observatory. Now, the greenXpo partners are pooling their expertise and experience to promote all types of eco-innovation together in a holistic one-stop shop for eco-innovation.The overall objective of greenXpo is to develop a new and innovative web-based tool, to facilitate knowledge transfer, uptake and exploitation of research data, as well as good policy measures related to eco-innovation, and to proactively promote the quality knowledge to policy makers, enterprises and society at large. To ensure synergies and a speedy implementation, greenXpo will build on the state-of-the-art INNOVATIONSEEDS portal that already features 100 European environmental R&D results.The general objective is broken down into six ambitious, specific objectives: 1) to develop a web-based tool for eco-innovation knowledge; 2) to present 190 new eco-innovation cases in a user-friendly manner to market players, policy makers and society; 3) to develop an analytical framework of successful and unsuccessful eco-innovation and to transfer it to policy makers; 4) to promote cross-sectoral information exchange and spill-overs with five traditional industry sectors; 5) to pro-actively promote the eco-innovation knowledge gathered reaching 2,000 policy makers and 120,000 enterprises in Europe and world-wide; and 6) to develop a business model for the continuation of the greenXpo portal.