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Let´s save the life on our planet
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project „Save the life on our planet" is designed for students aged 11 -15 years, who at this time form the opinions and attitudes towards peers, the adults, to education, the environment in which they live, thinking about future plans . In this way active work on our project can help them greatly. Already under the name, it is clear that the project is focused on the recognition and protection of the life , our planet and the natural laws, the human relationship to nature and all living and non-living. Students are engaged in the project fundamental global problems and learn how their own effort can contribute to saving the life on the Earth. Our goal is to affect the local community and show students and also people how important it is to separate waste, collect paper, batteries , save water and energy, help to the poor, to respect older people with their experiences, to communicate properly in families, to have good relationship to animals, nature, people, etc. We wish students know the natural treasure, protected areas, but also the cultural heritage of their own countries and then they will be proud of their country and its history and traditions. The project also gives students the opportunity to learn the natural wealth of other European countries, to exchange views and experiences with peers from the EU. One important aim of the project is to motivate students to better outcomes in education, we focus mainly on the science subjects such as Math, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, ... During international meetings and exchanges teachers and students will involve in the educational process at hosting schools and directly will observe and learn the use of various innovative teaching methods, practical examples using information technology. As the lessons will be held in English and maybe some words in native languages, and discussion of the impact will be maintained in English, we expect participants improvement also in English communication. We believe this attractive activity will have a positive impact on pupils of participating schools as well as schools in other regions, because we want to disseminate the results as wide as possible. Project activities will be implemented at local and international level, they will be documented in the "Brochure of innovative teaching methods of Scientific subjects in European countries" translated in native languages, and on DVD or e-book and published on the project and school websites available to all students, teachers, parents and the public. At school and in public places we will implement the Project Days and organize various local activities closely related to the topic of environmental and global issues with the purpose to publicize the project results and achieve a positive impact on the local community. We expect to increase national awareness of students, their self-esteem, improve the attitude to education, to foreign languages, too. Pupils learn to work in an international team and respect the cultures and lifestyles in other European countries. They will understand what the European identity means and will know the importance of the inter-cultural education for them and their future. Projekt „ Zachráňme život na našej planéte“ je zameraný na spoznanie našej planéty, prírodné zákonitosti, na vzťah ľudí k prírode a k životu. Študenti sa venujú základným globálnym problémom a učia sa, ako svojim pričinením môžu prispieť k záchrane života na Zemi. Našim cieľom je, aby žiaci spoznali prírodné bohatstvo, chránené územia, kultúrne dedičstvo vlastných krajín , ale aj iných európskych krajín. Jedným z cieľov projektu je motivovať žiakov k lepším výsledkom vo vzdelávaní, zameriavame sa hlavne na prírodovedné predmety. Učitelia a študenti sa počas medzinárodných stretnutí zapoja do vzdelávacieho procesu hostiteľských škôl a priamo na hodinách budú sledovať využitie nových vyučovacích postupov, praktických ukážok s využitím informačných technológií. Keďže hodiny budú realizované v angličtine a rodnom jazyku, očakávame zlepšenie účastníkov aj v anglickej komunikácii. Veríme, že táto zaujímavá aktivita bude mať pozitívny vplyv na žiakov zapojených škôl, ale aj ďalších škôl v regiónoch. Aktivity projektu budú realizované na lokálnej i medzinárodnej úrovni, budú zdokumentované v brožúre , DVD alebo v elektronickej knihe a zverejnené na stránke projektu a škôl, prístupné žiakom, učiteľom, rodičom i verejnosti. V škole a na verejných miestach budeme realizovať projektové dni a organizovať miestne aktivity , aby sme čo najviac spropagovali výsledky projektu a dosiahli pozitívny dopad na širokú verejnosť. Očakávame, že vzrastie národné povedomie študentov, ich sebavedomie, zlepší sa postoj k vzdelaniu, k jazykom. Žiaci sa naučia pracovať v medzinárodnom tíme a rešpektovať kultúru a životný štýl v iných európskych krajinách. Pochopia, čo znamená európska identita a aké dôležité je medzikultúrne vzdelávanie pre nich a ich budúcnosť.
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