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La Mobilite des Actifs de l'Apprentissage en Auvergne
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The values of Crafts are established on experiment of the knowledge, transmission and passion of the job. That is why apprenticeship, is an answer to the needs for the sector in terms of resources human beings. The European mobility allows to optimize the training of the young apprentices, also future leaders of companies, and actors of the learning. The European mobility allows to improve the European visibility of the territory from Auvergne which is enclosed. The CRMAA, which represents the sector of craft jobs at the regional level, decided to answer the call for projects « Erasmus ». This project represents Scholarships mobility for the young apprentices ( Level V and IV) and graduates, ( Level V,IV and III), for the trainers and the apprentice masters in a company for the whole territory from Auvergne and this in according with all the partners. The project allowed the realization of 68 scholarships of mobility. - 47 during the training period - 9 scholarships from 2months to 12 months abroad for post graduate - 11 scholarships for trainers and one attendant. It is, indeed, sustained in its step by interprofessional, buildingship and agricultural training centres of the 4 Auvergne departments, as well as the Regional Council of Auvergne and APCMA. The common will of all these partners is to set up an action in favour of a unique, coherent and not competitive on Auvergne area, European mobility (of apprentices, trainers/training masters and young graduated). The objectives of the project were reached : - Increase the number of beneficiaries of scholarships of mobility (30 departures a year before 2014), - Improve the employability of the apprentices and the young graduates, - Acquire techniques and knowledges, - Deepen the knowledge of a language, a culture, a country, - Adapt itself to different work environments, - Discover other systems of training, educational methods or management different for the trainers and masters of apprenticeship. The obtained results are satisfactory. - For beneficiaries, apprentices and post graduates they can : -improve their autonomy and self-confidence, - having reduced their fear of the unknown, many apprentices have never traveled abroad, - have enriched intellectually fasting by the discovery of a European territory and its inhabitants and develop his curiosity,. - Continues their studies, - Improve the results at the exam, - Integrate the host company as employee, - Have a better employability on the French labour market. For the Training Center : - Set up more numerous projects of mobility, - Improve Educational methods, -develop tools already used for mobility European and creation for the CFA of a database to reduce the preparation time for the next stays - communicate experiences to other apprentices to promote other projects - strengthening partnerships between CFA, companies and vocational at the European level, - federate the teaching around an innovative project team to strengthen links with apprentices and companies. For the CRMAA - Drive and coordinate the project in its entirety by accepting its mutualization, - Welcome more partners within the regional platform in particular the Training Centers of apprentices of the French National Education Recognize the territory as being an active, voluntarist territory regarding European mobility. The project of the consortium and its functioning made envious persons. Indeed, establishments of traditional trainings, (no apprenticeship), unfortunate candidates, for the call for projects of 2014 were widely inspired by our consortium for their candidacy) for the period 2015/2016.
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16 Partners Participants