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Kultúrgolyó - Bocsa fesztiválok Palócföldön - Kultúrák találkozása a guruló golyó útján (KULTÚRGOLYÓ / KULTÚRNA GUĽA)
Start date: Apr 7, 2009, End date: Dec 6, 2009 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The strong side of region of Novohrad is beatiful nature and well-preserved culture of its inhabitants. Therefore tourism and within the frame rural tourism is just the one branch of industry, which with his sustainability, erosion of ecological system , with his present and beauty approves to keep the tourists and for the local inhabitants to assure the job. The events "Culture ball" is folk game with old traditions intervening crossborder culture of Palóc. With composition of bocca spreads the tourist´s scale and engages two diferent interest circles and areas with emphasis of similarity and tiny particularities. Achievements: Culture ball is a folk game with old traditions (also called bocca) from the crossborder culture of the Palóc people. There were a series of events where children from state foster homes, from institutions for mentally handicapped and handicapped, students from county schools (Nógrád county, Heves county, Banská Bystrica county, the members of Hungarian bocca organisations - Kazincbarcika, Felsőtárkány, Terény -, the members of Slovakian bocca organisations - Lučenec, Nitra -, people loving folk music and folk traditions, and members of clubs, and tourists visiting the region could meet and play bocca together regardless of the border.

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  • 80.9%   64 247,07
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Slovak Republic (HU-SK)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website