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KA-1 Project. Learners and staff Learning abroad
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project involves Nova College students and staff/teachers that will follow an internship or training abroad. Many will take (part of) their Aptitude Test in an international company. The project involves Senior Secondary Vocational Education students at levels 3 and 4. The experience gained during the international practical vocational training (IPVC) can help students pass this test.From year 2016-2017 more of our level 2 students will be able to participate in international projects thanks to the development of the "keuzedelen" and virtual projects that have been set up already. The students are supervised by teachers from Nova College who will stay in contact with them about their activities by phone, email, Skype and visits. Abroad an intermediary will often arrange the initial assistance to the students, see to their placement in companies for practical vocational training and to their monitoring, this, of course, in consultation with Nova College (see elsewhere in this application)The intermediary will, in many cases ensure our students’ housing and is the closest contact in case of emergencies. The intermediary will be in close contact with the teachers / unit officers of Nova College. Also will students be visited during their stay abroad. The frequency of these visits will be determined by the period abroad; long term or short term.Objectives of the project are:Nova College strives to connect to the fast changing labour market by being innovative and flexible. An international (work) expererience can contribute to establish this. By living and working in an international, multidisciplinary environment, students will have the space to gain knowledge of innovative ideas and changes and will ask for a flexible and an independent attitude. Increasing understanding of (people in) other cultures and being able to adapt to their attitude. This gives better chances of finding work and functioning well in an international or internationally oriented company. Increasing independence and in particular independent (life long) learning. Learning and gaining work experience in a different (company) culture. This is a much more powerful experience than reading about it or seeing it on television. It provides the student with the opportunity to translate his/her impressions and questions into personal learning objectives.The estimated number of students that will complete an international internship in this project amounts to 635. This amount of students shows 15% growth compared to the last application, Call 15-17. This positive and vast growth, is mainly caused by one of our units who is activily participatin since year 2015-206. Also, the "keuzedelen" which are being developed at the moment, will offer possibilities to students of all levels.The project involves students from the Departments Economics and Engineering / IT, Health, Welfare en LaboratoryTech and CIOS.The estimated number of staff / teachers that will go abroad amounts to 81. This amount of staff shows 10% growth compared to the last application, Call 15-17.All core tasks and work processes and has discussed these in great detail with the international organizations / companies for practical vocational training. In the Department of Economics, all materials and portfolio assignments have also been written in English, in partnership with IVS Alliance and the Stichting Praktijkleren (Foundation for Practical Learning)In case of a short IPVT the IPVT should be aligned with the curriculum of the educational programs.With the receiving partner the project is discussed in detail, and the feasibility and guidance are looked into. On return, the skills acquired are checked and placed in the student tracking system. The IPVT plan, the Aptitude Test and the associated IPTV program are discussed with a representative of the host institution. Comments of the IPVT granting company (for example, based on evaluations of previous experiences) are discussed and can lead to adjustments.

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