Search for European Projects

Iskoristi svoju kreativnost
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In today’s Europe there is great economic uncertainty which has a key influences on youth unemployment and that makes the most serious and important problem for young people. Most of young people live in a society that can’t provide them with economic stability and that complement’s with a number of consequences arising from the MAIN PROBLEM: Reduced opportunities for healthy development of socio-economic marginalized young people because of the economic uncertainty in society in which they live. This problem is especially emphasized in focus of socio-economic marginalized youth (young people with low standard of living, young people with no income / employment, young people who depend on the welfare system), which is also our target group. The MAIN OBJECTIVE of our project: Encouraging economic empowerment of young people through the development of creativity and entrepreneurial initiatives / capacities.In this project, participation will take total of 31 participants (youth activists, volunteers), 7 group leaders and 1 facilitator from 6 EU countries, concrete from: Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia, Hellas, Lithuania and Romania.We will use non-formal and informal methods of learning and learning through work. Under these methods we consider: presentations, group and individual work, work in small groups, simulations, games, discussions, decoupage method, creative workshops, practice work, outdoor activities and evaluation of achievements.Activities that will be used to achieve the results are: - Inter-cultural learning and presentation of the participating countries and their cultures;- Learning new creative methods for work with the target group; - Promotion of the project and the ERASMUS + - The implementation of public exhibition; - Creation of e-brochure; - Creating Youthpass certificates.The expected results are: - Acquisition of new or upgrading current competences; - At least 4 new creative methods learned;- Developed marketing and sales skills of participants;- Conducted public event and project promoted; - E-brochure created.

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