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Interculturalité, mise en réseau et écocitoyenneté sur la région de Brioude.
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The " Inter -cultural, network and eco-citizenship on the region Brioude " will last 11 months and will take place in Brioude , the city of7,000 inhabitants in the Auvergne, region of France .Voluntary , will perform the following activities :- Working within the structures as Café Lecture (bar service and activities)- Brin de Ficelle (playing with the children)- (activities in a youth center)- High school in Brioude (language courses)- Organization of concerts / cultural events with Musikado team- management and working in a community garden- Video projectsWith this project the organization Musikado wants to promote active citizenship of young people and their European citizenship in particular , as well as an enhancing mutual understanding between young people from different countries.The mission of the volunteer will be to promote Europe and the various European cultures and encourage young people to participate in the life of their community and the European mobility programs , encourage the local community to integrate an intercultural dimension in their activities ( local schools, associations).Through its voluntary activities, a voluntary will be required to transmit his culture. He is privileged to approach the youth and encourage them to explore other realities and to participate in community activities or solidarity that are established by Musikado , Café Lecture and other associations in Brioude .The activities and the presence of the voluntary will bring a European dimension to the life of the city and let make the new projects with a European issue at the local level (eg with teachers ) and European one ( youth participation in EVS abroad or youth groups in the European exchanges).Eco-citizenship is present in volunteers' everyday life through the work and the mission of the community garden (setting up of the compost, development of the new crops) and in the philisophy of Cafe lecture project (organic food from the local farmers, eating the season vegetables, management environmentally responsible of the ressources).
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