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Integrate Mobile People through Innovative actions in the Euraxess Service Centres (ImpactE)
Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There are several obstacles to international mobility. Cultural differences are not the easiest to overcome as they are based on immaterial factors, not like getting a visa or a place to stay. A successful professional and social integration of the researcher into a new environment will turn him/her into ambassador of international mobility, and of EURAXESS. The project will identify actions to allow better integration of mobile researchers and will test these actions, before spreading them as good practice to the EURAXESS network, and to the countries of origin of the researchers by turning them into «EURAXESS Impacte alumni».Based on a survey, the partners will identify 6 actions which will be implemented in the partner countries to a sample of researchers and to EURAXESS staff. Other High Education institutions will be associated to the actions. The partners will set up a feedback assessment form and get feedback from both researchers and EURAXESS staff. They will produce a guide for the use of the whole EURAXESS network, which will be presented during EURAXESS events. The partners will set up a network (Impacte-alumni) of mobile researchers who have attended project events who will then be in a position to promote EURAXESS throughout their careers.The consortium is composed of 6 partners, all committed to reflect, exchange and develop a skills program to integrate mobile researchers. All have experience in supporting international researchers within the EURAXESS network. They cover different regions within the EU and different challenges (cultures, research environments, clienteles). This will allow project members to test demands, needs and successful practices which can then be transferred to the EURAXESS network. The associate partner, Epigeum, is the leading publisher of high quality e-learning modules for researcher development. Vitae, the UK organisation which supports and promotes researcher development at national level, will act as a contractor.

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