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Innovación e integración en Europa a través sus lenguas, culturas y ciudades.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

INNOVATION AND INTEGRATION IN EUROPE THROUGH ITS LANGUAGES, CULTURES AND CITIESContext:Our language school currently has a growing number of students that need to learn to communicate effectively in a foreign language as soon as possible. This makes it necessary for us to update our teaching methods in order to find new ways of teaching-learning a foreign language that are very communicative, dynamic and motivational, as well as taking into account the socio-cultural and cognitive diversity of our students and the European dimension of our teaching practice. In this sense we think an innovative methodology combined with the implementation of new organizational and academic measures will allow us to cater for our students´different learning styles and needs at the same time that we integrate and practice all the skills within and outside the classroom. Participants:The participants are experienced language teachers in Official Language Schools. They have taken part in numerous training activities and one of of them was also the coordinator of a Grundtvig Adult Learning Partnership. The fact that one of the teachers is also the headmaster is an asset, because the impact will be stronger.Activities:Regarding the initial preparation the teachers will become familiar with the course contents and the bibliography, and they will carry out the initial preparatory and initial assessment tasks. In the case of the job shadowing a mobility agreement will be established between the guest school and the partner institution, regarding benefits, initial preparation, dissemination of skills and assessment of outcomes.On the other hand, the school administrators will plan the trip and make all the necessary arrangements for the mobilities. In the different meetings with the school managers the participants will share their concerns and prepare materials about their school and observation sheets.The second stage of the project consists in the mobility itself to the countries where the job shadowing experience and training mobility will take place. There they will learn about new methodologies and different approaches to education as well as academic school management. And how to best use them to the students´advantage, taking into account the different skills and different learning styles. The Training activity will teach the participant how to adapt to the students´s needs and motivate them to learn through innovative and creative methodological approaches, where the culture of the language will play a key role. In the job shadowing mobility the Head of the school will observe all the aspects involved in running a language school: new academic approaches and organizational measures.Afterwards, the assessment activities will be implemented through reports, meetings and interviews with the headmaster. The outcome of the training activity will be incorporated into the School Teacher Training Plan , the Extracurricular Activities Programme , and the didactic programmings . Later it will be disseminated through meetings, creating and disseminating materials, like work documents, setting up blogs or websites, and finally organizing projects with other institutions through etwnning or KA-2 Strategic Associations. Apart from that study trips to London and Berlin and guidance on how to seek work in those cities and countries will play an important role in the school.Methodology:The preparation and monitoring of the mobility will be based on the ongoing interaction among the participants, the Language School coordinator , the partner school and the representative of the training institution, together with the National Agency. Throughout the mobilities the methodology will be communicative and practical, through cooperative group work, debates, observation, document analysis, presentations and performances. Results and impact:On the one hand, to improve the teaching techniques and methodological strategies in the classroom of all the teaching staff. Fostering autonomous learning and collaborative learning through innovative resources and methodologies .On the other hand, to implement new ideas and approaches to the academic and administrative management of the school. And also to help the students and the teachers understand how important it is to be in contact with other cultures in Europe, and how a network of partner schools and contacts in European capitals can help all the members of the school integrate in Europe personally and a professionally.Possible long term benefits:To have a more varied and motivating range of class activities, to be in touch with teachers and headmasters from other European educational institutions, to implement different ways of organizing resources and facilities. Also to develop a new Learning Partnership through a K-2 action or a Etwinning project. And to carry out study trips and help students seek for a job or study in abroad.

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