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In between here and there - bridges for peace
Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Oct 1, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "In between here and there - bridges for peace" is the reaction to the tensions our organisations observe between East and West. We have noticed that the nationalism, prejudices and discrimination raising up based on fear and lack of information and it is very similar for Polish, Russian and Ukrainian society. Getting to know individuals not groups/nations and cooperation for common purposes can support the peace building process and creating the bridges between us.In this project three volunteers from Poland will support activities of their receiving organisations, they will promote voluntary service on different level, they will help young people with less opportunities to take part in international projects, collecting women everyday life stories will help them to understand a bit better the situation of women in our cultures. Volunteers will share their observations, stories, local news on this project dedicated "In between here and there" blog. We will published "The voices of women" on Creative Commons license and all materials will be used to prepare educational scenarios for workshops on stereotypes, prejudices. After coming back home volunteers will run also workshops based on the prepared scripts.Their voluntary services could help in: building the intercultural dialogue with the emphasis on women, raising awareness and using the global education in local activities, promoting voluntary service on local and international level inviting more youth with less opportunities due to the cultural and/or economical background as well as supporting young people in getting new competencies they can use in the future on the labour market.Three mentioned volunteers from Poland will join receiving organisations in Russia (1) and Ukraine (2) between May 2016 and July 2017.The project will be implemented by four organisations: Stowarzyszenie "Jeden Świat" (Poland) acting as coordinating and sending organisation, Green Cross Society (Ukraine), Podolian Agency for Regional Developement (Ukraine) and Sfera Movement (Russia) acting as receiving organisations. We will use non-formal eduction approach and methods and we will promote the advantage of the innovative working methods and self-development such voluntary service among beneficiaries of the project.Their voluntary service on the edge of their worlds could help in: building the intercultural dialogue with the focus on migrants, raising global connections awareness and using the global education in local activities, learning from each other (volunteers and partner organisations) and supporting young people in getting new competencies they can use in the future on the labour market.Activities planned will take place between January 2016 and June 2017. Three volunteers from Poland will join hosting organisations in Russia (1) and Ukraine (2) to support their activities on local and international levelThe project will be implemented by four organisations: Stowarzyszenie "Jeden Świat" (Poland) acting as coordinating and sending organisation, Green Cross Society (Ukraine), Podolian Agency for Regional Developement (Ukraine) and Sfera Movement (Russia) acting as receiving organisations. We will use non-formal eduction approach and methods and we will promote the advantage of the innovative working methods and self-development such voluntary service among beneficiaries of the project.
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3 Partners Participants