Implementation of a biogas treatment unit and CO2 exploitation unit at the Anaerobic Digester (AD) Facility in Sajobabony / Hungary (BiogasConvert) in order to close recycling gap
Implementation of a biogas treatment unit and CO2 .. (BIOGASCONVERT)
Implementation of a biogas treatment unit and CO2 exploitation unit at the Anaerobic Digester (AD) Facility in Sajobabony / Hungary (BiogasConvert) in order to close recycling gap
Start date: Oct 1, 2002,
End date: Dec 31, 2004
A biogas plant will be set up in Sajóbáony, Hungary. The start-up for gas production is expected for the third quarter of 2003. The actual concept considers the conversion of biogas in CHPs. In order to increase the energy efficiency of the plant, this proposal considers the substitution of the CHPs by biogas upgrading unit to achieve natural gas quality to be sold off to the gas grid. This concept would imply treatment two major technical aspects to deal with: generation of natural gas from biogas ("green gas") and its alimentation into the gas grid. And secondly the valorisation of the separated CO2, defining it as a sub-product that will be used in greenhouse installations to be implemented in the immediate neighboourhood of the biogas plant. Prior before LIFE involvement a commercial project development on AD has been carried out successfully. This includes waste and power purchase and substrate sales agreements. The input of the well defined Consortium, the industrial requirements and the internal know how of the participating suppliers as well as of the foreseen subcontractors assure an effective project implementation. For a sound information dissemination scheme a concise reporting scheme and information schedule is attached to all proposed steps of technology implementation.
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