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Identifying best practice across physical education teacher education programmes: A European perspective
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to available data, EU population lead a sedentary lifestyle (EU Physical Activity Guidelines, 2008), so leading an inactive life has been defined as one of the major problems in EU member countries. Qualified PE teachers at schools can be an essential tool to enhance the physical activity levels of individuals and to resolve this negation. Therefore, Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) is a significant issue which needs to be addressed by the experts in the field. When it is a need to examine PETE in EU countries, the source to be applied first is The Eurydice Network, which provides information on EU education systems. However, there is no detailed information on comparative PETE systems in EU countries neither on the Eurydice Network nor in the PETE literature. For this reason, there is a need for transnational studies which examine and compare the PETE programmes in EU countries with a view to exploring other PETE programmes and sharing good practices. This project has been designed to address this issue. With the above mentioned problems in mind, the aim of this project is to find an answer to research question "In what ways can the professional profile of these responsible for training physical educators be strenghtened?" by exploring and understanding PETE curricula in Erasmus+ programme countries. This includes the process from student selection to their graduation. Also, the priority will be given to innovations and sharing of good practices in the prior topics of EU such as supporting dual careers of athletes, standards and accreditation (Erasmus+ Programme Guide, 2014). This project will be carried out under the coordination of Uludag University and within the partnership of Limerick University-Ireland, Technicka Univerzita V Liberci- Czech Republic, Padova University-Italy, Sport Science Association-Turkiye and Bursa Physical Edutaion Teachers’ Association-Turkiye. In addition, two associations working on PETE in Europe, AIESEP and FIEP will be the stakeholders of the project. 30 academicians who will participate in the activities from the partner institutions and 102 PETE academicians from 34 Erasmus+ programme countries, a total of 132 academicians at C1, C2, C3 LTT activities and also 30 PE teachers, who are a member of BUBEDER and who will attend the C4 LTT activity, a seminar on EU projects, will be directly benefiting from this project. Also, around 400 academicians in PETE by the target groups' sharing with their colleagues, 250 PE teachers by the sharing of teachers who attended C4 LTT activity with their colleagues and 2,000 prospective teachers studying PETE, whom we aim to reach via slogan/caricature competition are regarded as final beneficiaries of this project. The main activities of the project consist of C1, C2 and C3 trainings, which will be held with the experts from 34 programme countries and C4 which will be held with the participation of PE teachers. During these trainings, each expert will tell about the PETE practices in their countries and they will have the opportunity to learn about good examples and practices in other countries. These trainings will be planned during M1, M2, M3 and M4 transnational meetings. After each training session the data obtained will be compiled in the book form in O1, O3 and O5 activities. And the compiled data will be turned into an article in O2, O4 and O6 intellectual outputs activity. Finally, the data is planned to be compiled in the book form at O7 activity. Besides, a caricature/slogan competition, which will be open to the participation of all PETE students in programme countries, will be organized to raise awareness of prospective PE teachers on PETE. Finally, an opening ceremony, a closing ceremony and a PETE conference will be held for the dissemination of the project activities. At the end of this project it is expected that (1) PETE curricula in Erasmus+ programme countries in terms of general topics (objectives, content, learning-teaching methods and evaluation) and specific topics such as supporting dual careers of athletes, PE teacher qualifications, standards and accreditation will be examined, experts in PE field will compare and contrast various and new model and practices in PETE. (2) Easily accessible reference resources in the field of PETE such as a book, articles and online resources will be created (3) PE teachers and PE teacher educators will be supported and helped to become lifelong learners who encourage young people to become more aware of PE and sports. (4) Erasmus+ partnership agreements between the institutions in the field of PETE will be promoted by strengthening the cooperation among programme countries and therefore learning and staff mobility will be enhanced. (5) Approximately, 1000 people working in the field of PE will become more aware PE, sports and EU values and the recognition of Turkiye among around 2,000 people working in the field of PE and sports in Europe will be promoted.
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