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IBCLIL - Interdyscyplinarne, wielojęzyczne, zintegrowane i innowacyjne nauczanie na III i IV etapie edukacyjnym.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Zespól Szkół 117 in Warsaw is an innovative institution that successfully combines teaching multilingual programme with an outstanding mathematics and natural sciences programmes. Nevertheless, there exists a barrier to the further development of our schools: there are insurmountable discrepancies among teachers with regard to their knowledge of methodology and practice to effectively teach content through CLIL, especially in science subjects taught multilingually. Due to developing technologies, not only should modern schools keep pace with novel ideas, but they should also simultaneously adjust their teaching strategies to the highest standards and use them effectively. We believe that multilingual education offer ought to be implemented and, since it is a brand new concept in our country, we, as a school, are to become predecessors.What is particularly important in that matter are the objectives. First of all, methods of teaching science and foreign languages should be improved. Diversifying and expanding teaching materials and applications of IT in teaching is another area that needs our attention. What is more, increasing the importance of methodology in project planning is considered to play an essential role in acquisition of new skills in bilingual teaching mathematics and science. Teachers of these subjects will be able to deepen and acquire new skills in teaching through discovering and integrating teaching in the field of multilingual education.As the process of preparing for the introduction of multilingual education in schools is essential to improve the language skills of teachers of foreign languages and broaden the language competence of staff, thereby increasing students' motivation to learn foreign languages, we need to consolidate and develop cognitive processes so that, eventually, the activities promoting students’ development will be widely recognize by different local institutions such as the Warsaw Council or other institutions. As a matter of fact allowing our students to use technical and organizational tools will help them see the world from different perspectives.Implementation of the tasks pursued by the school should be achieved by organizing teaching workshops offering new teaching methods, as well as, participation in language courses by executives and teachers of mathematics and natural sciences. The courses will allow teachers to deepen their use of English in the classroom, to share their competence with other teachers in workshops, to support methodological workshop especially for integrated teaching of mathematics and science in a foreign language, to expand the knowledge of expertise in interdisciplinary teaching. In order to be able to execute the assigned tasks, we have to organize more workshops specifically designed to improve methodology with regard to teaching languages and sciences. The objectives of the project are: 1. Improvement of the language skills of teachers who are supposed to make teaching more effective and efficient. 2. Improvement of the use of IT.3. Developing communication with specialists from other countries.4. Improvement of our engagement and participation in various projects. The realization of these objectives will affect the image of the school, perceived as an innovative institution in an exemplary way of education. The school is known for its excellent educational staff, open to the world and new opportunities for improvement. The main purposes of the project will be associated with both staff training and implementation of acquired skills. During the implementation phase and after completion of the project, we expect that the influence on current and future students, their parents, teachers, executives, and the environment will affect the locality. Our actions on the implementation of the above-mentioned project reconcile priorities of the European Union for 2014-2020. In particular, our project has a great impact on our learners to achieve the learning outcomes in order to broaden their opportunities for personal growth.Dissemination of project results will take place through various activities such as: Copernican Day, Scientific Poster Session, Open Days at the school, the district contest in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the school website, leaflets informing about the introduction of these innovations, open classes, training for teachers. The widely understood cooperation will include official organizations involved in training teachers in Poland: Teaching Technology Centre, Warsaw Center for Teachers, Polish Chemical Society.At each stage of the project and after its completion the assessment procedures will be carried out. In the final stage of the project, comprehensive evaluation will be conducted. Its effects, problems and proposals for further work will be analyzed. Concluding, our project is a guarantee of both students and teachers` development, that is to say for the better future of Poland and Europe.
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