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“I Love Project” Contact Making Seminar
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"I Love Project" Contact Making Seminar is an Erasmus+ KA-1 Mobility of Individuals (young people and youth workers) partnership building activity to be realized in İstanbul, Turkey between 4 - 10 August 2016, by YOUTHART Youth Art Research and Training Association, as an active youth organization with Eurodesk and EVS accreditation and as an active member of European Youth4Media Network, National Youth Parliament, Youth Organizations Forum, and Anna Lindh Turkey Network aims to gather 27 experienced and productive organizations and individuals from 25 countries and create an atmosphere where new partnerships and projects start. Through this contact making seminar, we will focus on “project management skills" and "media tools", and foster new projects by exchanging experiences and ideas, visiting successful organizations and observing good practices. The products of our project will be a lot of new partnerships and new projects to be applied for Erasmus+ and other EU funds as well as practical tools and media contents. Meanwhile, we will taste diverse European cultures represented in the multicultural atmosphere of outstanding city of İstanbul.Project website:
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25 Partners Participants