Higher education student and staff mobility projec..
Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014,
End date: Sep 30, 2015
The promoter of this project is the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya, which coordinates a consortium in which 49 Catalan schools of initial vocational training, sports and arts education are included.
The aim of the consortium is undertaking mobility actions for students of any specialty in initial vocational training, artistic or sports education for internships in European companies. The Education Department aims with this initiative to support partner institutions in their internationalization process.
The project also includes training mobility actions for teachers. The Education Department considers a priority the areas of introduction of English in vocational training and dual training in companies. Therefore it is organizing two stays related to these issues, during which the participants receive specific training.
The access to these activities is made through public announcement, which ensures the quality and transparency of project management.
In parallel, the Department d'Ensenyaments has created five regional networks of vocational training, artistic or sports education schools for training mobility and international cooperation in vocational education. These networks provide a platform of support, information dissemination and training for schools active in international mobility. This action is especially interesting for schools with little experience, and who need coaching in the early development of its international activities.
Within the network, training centers are encouraged to develop their own plan of internationalization, so that it is reflected in all areas of school life through their inclusion in the relevant documents and projects.
The project has made possible that 98 students carry out their internship in the following countries: Austria (1); Czech Republic (1); Germany (16); Denmark (5); France (31); Italy (24); Netherlands (6); Poland (4); Portugal (1); United Kingdom (9). The average length of stay was of 2.09 months.
Two teacher mobility flows have also been implemented to the following countries: Germany (10); Ireland (13). The duration of both activities was 5 days.
All these actions are part of the internationalization strategy both of the training centers members of the consortium and the project developer.
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