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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Reggio Emilia methodology, named after the Italian village where the methodology originated in the decade of the 70s, is an innovative system of education focused on children aged from 0 to 6. It was developed by the pedagogue Loris Malaguzzi, who introduced art in the schools, which promoted the idea that the children must learn from the observation. Reggio Emilia educational philosophy has been developed by people who are part of the everyday education of the children such as: parents, educators, artists and the same children.The main objective of this methodology is to create an active school, inventiveness, where dominates the research and reflection. It incorporates the natural environment to a greater or lesser extent, in all educative activities. Children anguage constitutes the tool for the development and understanding of the world that surrounds us. The nursery schools of the region are internationally considered one of the most advanced and leading in all that referred to the 0-6. It offers education about various socio-quality services to its citizens. As teachers of "Ciclo de Grado Superior en Educación Infantil", we believe it is important that early childhood education is recognized. Therefore, this project aims to improve and implement the knowledge of the "reggiana methodology" in our school and island. Our project was based on two types of mobility: -5 Internship scholarships for our students in nursery schools in the municipalities of Parma and Ferrara -8 teacher training grants in Ferrara (4 grants) and Parma (4 grants) As the practical training of students, (FCT) the distribution and duration for this course is as follows: 3 students have been to Parma, 2 in the nursery Piferaio Magico and 1 to Acquarello 2 students have been to Ferrara, 1 in school Pablo Neruda and the other in the nursery Ugo Costa The evaluation made by the students has been very positive as reflected in the student satisfaction surveys. In relation to the teacher training grants, it is important to emphasize that we offered the possibility of coming to this travel to other Spanish schools in the order to form network of contacts and exchange of ideas, projects etc. in the field of education 0 to 6. The content covered in the training trip was: FERRARA MONDAY 13 APRIL Reception at the Documentation Centre "Raccontinfanzia" TUESDAY 14 APRIL Visit to "nidi d'infanzia" (nursery) Visit to “Il Salice spazio bambino" headquarters "Uffici per l'integrazione dei bambini disabili and di quelli di recente immigrazione." Formation Meeting: “Ferrara school system” (Giorgio Maggini). TOPICS: -The Institution of Educational Services of the city of Ferrara Ferrara 0/6 -Services -The educational formation of staff in recent years -Services For the integration of disabled children and foreigners -The Process of education and documentation CEDOC WEDNESDAY -Visit to the recycling center, research and innovation in the use of materials for early childhood education REMIDA -Visit to the International Centre Loris Malaguzzi and its studio lights PARMA -Pedagogical talk with teachers and the Education Coordination team of the city of Parma in the "Nido d'Infanzia Fiocco di Neve" -Presentation of services of the city of Parma by the Pedagogical Coordination team. -Visit the "Nidi d'Infanzia Fiocco di neve" and presentation of the "The Secret Garden", in which educators and parents involved in the redesign of the outdoor spaces of the school. -Presentation by the coordinators of the experience of the 3 sections of 0/6 "Nidi d'Infanzia" Pifferaio Magico, Mappamonde and Acquarello. Since September 2014, in this school children aged 18 months to 5 years are in the same class supervized by with two educators and teachers. -Visit the facilities. FRIDAY APRIL 17 Meeting with the coordination team in the "Nido d'Infanzia Acquerello" -Visit to the observation rooms. It is a room with one-way mirrors used by educators, educational coordinators, researchers and academics for research training and educational coordination. -Presentation of research training organized in collaboration with the Department of Psychology at the University of Parma, in the years 2011-2013. -The coordinators as an educational tool. Meeting of the Coordination and teachers "Nido d'Infanzia Acquerello" -The role and functions of the Pedagogical Coordination - Final thoughts, curiosities and ideas for new work goals.

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