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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The IES Moratalaz has certain experience in European programs and throughout the project 2014-1-ES01-KA103-000531, it has addressed the needs of education and learning of all participants in our higher education institution (HEI). Initially, there have been four mobilities granted in the project, but one has also been made without a grant. In total, five mobilities for practices (SMT). First, immersion was intended to be achieved for the selected students in a real working environment in a European country, in businesses that have achieved continuity within the business community for future projects and possible improvement of employment for students in the future working environment. Host companies have been: a.- Laboratoire Delaporte-BioAlliance is a clinical laboratory located in Gien (France). The services offered cover all specialties related to clinical diagnosis, so it is an ideal host company for students to acquire specific aptitudes and improve their understanding of the economic and social environment of the country concerned, while acquiring work experience skills. The activities of two students of “Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory” were developed there. The activities performed during mobility were supplemented by the initial contents of their corresponding degrees and were even expanded to a potential capacity to learn more due to the continuous evolution in both equipment and in procedures performed. b.- NH HOTELS, is a Spanish company based in different countries and our student went to the NH “City of Lisbon” (Lisbon, Portugal) which has an adequate Department of Administration to enable students of “Administration and Finance” to do their interships. Activities by the student were developed as required, completing the objectives of the entire program, and developed new skills in a working environment that presents a different set of rules and guidelines of the Spanish legislation. c.- Istituto Zooprofilattico Sanitario del Lazio e la Toscana (IZSLT), is a public research and analysis center, located in Florence (Italy) performing analysis of animal tissues, water and food. A student of “ Pathology and Cytology” was sent to this company, all activities were performed according to the set schedule and because of the complexity in the working procedures of the company, the student acquired new skills in developing her profession. d.- Panorama Nieruchomosci, is a business related to the electronic sector and is located in Wroclaw (Poland). A student of “Telecommunication Systems and Computer” was sent to this company, and completed the tasks set out in his program.
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