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Healthy Nature Healthy Me
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Healthy Nature Healthy Me” will introduce the issue of environmental pollution to the 36 participants and will focus on factors that influence the environment as well as the quality of life. Irresponsible behavior of humans towards the nature and the importance of changing them will be brought up as a theme. Alongside analyzing the nature and the environment, it will also refer to the alternative options of nutrition and its impact on the health of people and the nature. It will refer to simple methods of protection of the environment which can be performed every day, the right technique of recycling and living life with a minimal waste production. Participants from Greece, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Slovakia and Turkey will be involved in the project. From each state, five participants will be chosen and accompanied by their group leader. Participants must be at least 18 and at most 25 years old to be able to take part in this youth exchange, can be of various social and ethnic backgrounds but it is required of them to be capable of attending the physical activities during the exchange. Young people with fewer opportunities who have economical or geographical obstacles and those who have not attended an exchange will be prioritized. The whole exchange will be in the spirit of non-formal education which will be achieved by workshops concerning the project theme, informative lectures, creative group work and projects, discussions, role-play, short improvisational theather plays, D.I.Y. and mutual sharing of knowledge during the cultural evenings. The trash picking hike to Chopok will connect these young people with nature and they will support the nature preservation by taking action. With this excursion the participants will raise awareness about nature preservation and recyclation locally and also in the city of Košice. The primary goal of the project is to encourage the youth to positive perception towards the nature and sharing the idea of healthy lifestyle that contributes to conservation of the environment and also to upgrading the quality of life of an individual. The impact of the project is expected to be on the local level but we also anticipate that subsequently, the idea of the project will spread further among the locals in the area of the projects realization (Slovakia) and the partner countries.

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