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Green Hostels - Grænt Farfuglaheimili
Start date: Mar 14, 2016, End date: Mar 13, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/Background of project Farfuglar ses - Hostelling International (HI) Iceland is a non-governmental, non-for-profit membership organization established in 1939. The organisation is a member of HI, a global network of Youth Hostel Associations, of over 4000 hostels with members in more than 80 countries. Membership means that the Icelandic hostels fulfill the international standards for HI Hostels. Since its inception, as stated in its mission, HI Iceland's main goal has been to promote and encourage people of all ages to travel and to increase their knowledge and appreciation of nature and culture. The Hostel network enables young people of different nationalities, cultures and social background to meet informally, share experiences, learn about themselves, each other and their surroundings. Hostels foster a remarkable international awareness about current issues such as environmental issues, sustainable tourism and sustainable development as a whole.Hostelling also has a fundamental, but unofficial, role in the development of young people as future employees in a global market. Objectives of the projectThe objectives within the leading team of HI-Iceland is to make the Reykjavík Hostels models of excellence in the field of quality management and leaders in environmental/sustainability management. For many years we have worked on constantly developing and implementing the Hostels' own Sustainability Policy and methods into daily procedures. Our biggest challenge is to train and maintain the system for the long term, finding ways to promote our vision to guests in a diverse and colorful ways in order to influence them as they travel within out beautiful and fragile environment. The basic aim of the “GREEN HOSTELS” project is to raise awareness about sustainability issues, among Icelanders and international guests of HI in Iceland, as well as among the in-house team. Our goals are:1) Maintaining the already developed Sustainability Policy.2) Development of means to make employees and guests (individuals and groups) aware of best sustainable practices that reduce their impact on nature and increase Eco-consciousness in their daily life. We encourage volunteers to pass the environmental message to a wider audience.The EVS volunteers explore a range of ways to illustrate and explain through practical works, speeches and printed materials how environmental/sustainability matters are tied in with our methods of traveling, daily life and the actions of each individual.Number and profile of participantsThe project seeks 2 very motivated and enthusiastic volunteers willing to grow personally and professionally and build strong practical experience in taking direct part in the environmental progress of the hostels. Volunteers' enthusiasm, creativity and interest in order to engage with people, and a readiness to work with flexibility in changing or developing situations is essential. Particular interest in environmental issues, in sustainability, culture and responsible traveling are of big advantage. English language skills are essential while ethnic groups, religion, sexual orientation or political opinion are not taken into account.The volunteers will work closely in order to reduce the environmental impact of the hostels and campsite’ activities and look for and implement ways to develop effective manners to educate guests and staff, but will also participate actively in the community by exploring synergies with other key actors and spreading the concept of sustainability.Description of main activities•Maintaining sustainable policy by regularly auditing the key areas and looking for new ways to make the Hostels more sustainable.• Actively promote sustainability related educational activities and cross cultural experiences of guests, staff members but also to local population. Special care: training and promoting environmental awareness - of staff members and volunteers staying in the hostels.• Review regularly the Sustainability Action Plan in collaboration with the Hostel’s staff Methodology to be used in carrying out the projectThe volunteers will work in close collaboration with the project coordinators and will follow the Timeline of activities. Monthly goals will be set that will contribute to a smooth development of the project.Results and impact envisagedAll participants in the proposed activities will highly benefit in terms of increased awareness about applied sustainability in the accommodation sector. Potential longer term benefitsWe hope the Green Hostels project will inspire and motivate other colleagues from the accommodation sector to harmonize their operations with the environment. At the same time, we hope volunteers, guests, staff and all those who cross their ways during the project's activities will become more responsible, not only in Iceland but in their home countries as well, and will seek ways to reduce their impact on the planet on a daily basis.

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