Generating Trust by Means of Culture in Multi-ethn..
Generating Trust by Means of Culture in Multi-ethnic Environment
Start date: May 1, 2011,
The project is organized by the Palisády/Védcölöp Foundation (Bratislava, Slovakia), together with Tranzit Foundation (Cluj, Romania), EURAC Institute for Minority Rights (Bolzano, Italy) and Zászlóshajó Kft. (Budapest, Hungary).This project, focusing on solving the roots of the existing inter-ethnic tensions by means of culture, would like to contribute to generating critical masses of people on both sides who would be able and committed to exerting pressure on the decision-makers (or becoming decision-makers and opinion-leaders themselves) to create conditions for the institutionalisation of intercultural dialogue. Objective 1. (Policy segment) Broadening knowledge about the other ethnic/national group and building positive relationship between ethnic Slovaks and ethnic Hungarians (or members of other national groups) from ethnically homogeneous territories, i.e. at the national level.Objective 2. (Building open communities) Improving interethnic and intercultural dialogue and cooperation between individuals and ethnic groups within ethnically mixed territories themselves, i.e. at the local and regional levels.Objective 3. (Strengthening the ties) Promoting dialogue at bilateral (professional or cross-border) level.
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