Search for European Projects

Flerkulturel didaktisk kompetence
Start date: Jun 20, 2016, End date: Jun 19, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Aulum-Hodsager Skole has the intention to take part in international and European joint ventures, where teachers from different countries and cultures meet in order to share knowledge about teaching and learning. We have a purpose to establish contact with teachers and students from abroad to enhance knowledge about social studies and cultures in other countries. "International multi-cultural studies" is a project where Aulum-Hodsager Skole applies for a grant for a two week in-service training in Scotland for a teacher at our school. In the project we have a purpose to improve teaching- and learnings skills among our teachers and students and to broaden the international horizon of our school. As a school we need to have a balanced budget and therefore the school apply for a grant for one teacher.Aulum-Hodager skole wants to take part in the responsibility as to teachers and studens connect with colleagues from abroad. This partnership is of paramount importance in order to learn similarities and variations among cultures. Certainly the results from the in-service training will be shared among colleagues, school management etc. to inspire and and inform about the possibilities regarding school partnerhips in Europe.The course in Schotland is called "Language & Practical Methodology: Creativity in the Classroom - Focus on Scotland". The course offers to enhance knowledge of Scotland, Scottish life and school life (with 2 day visits to primary schools). To participate in a stimulating workshop on Teaching English to Young Learners (age 3-11), providing many practical ideas for classroom activities and a variety of ready-made materiale and finally to exchange ideas & deelop links with other European teachers. Aulum-Hodsager Skole wants to encourage its teachers to achieve continuing education. Our long-term aim is to strengthen skills of international knowledge at our school. To achieve those aims we need to take part in in-service trainings to link to other European teachers and students. At the end of the day it is of utmost importance to develop further the sense of community in Europe. Aulum-Hodsager Skole would like to make a difference and to contribute to this.

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