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Film Sales Support 2015
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Film Sales Support (FSS) has been running since 2004 with the backing of MEDIA and recently Creative Europe - MEDIA. It is a unique pan-European incentive which reimburses marketing campaigns of associated European sales companies undertaken at international film festivals and audiovisual markets outside of Europe. FSS’s objective is to assist with sales of European films to countries beyond Europe. In 2015, FSS gave a boost to 176 campaigns for European films at major film festivals and markets in North America (Sundance Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival, American Film Market), in South America (Guadalajara Market) and crucial markets in Asia (FILMART, Hong Kong, Asian Film Market, Busan). FSS is currently used by 98 of Europe’s most active sales companies, covering the entire spectrum of business models in the sales industry. The sales ratio of films receiving FSS, including a great number of films from countries with a smaller A/V industry, was 56% in 2015.
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