Facilitiation in action Training course on facilitation competences of youth workers, youth leaders within international youth exchanges among SEE countries and European Union and youth work in general
Facilitiation in action Training course on facilit..
Facilitiation in action Training course on facilitation competences of youth workers, youth leaders within international youth exchanges among SEE countries and European Union and youth work in general
Start date: Dec 5, 2010,
Project "Facilitation in action" is a 4 month long project with a 8-dav Training Course as its centre activity. The theme of the training course is focusing around the competences of youth workers and youth leaders, within an international youth exchanges as the tool, especially emphasizing and encouraging the cooperation between Southeast European (SEE) and European Union (EU) countries.The main aim of the training course is the training of facilitation competences of youth workers and youth leaders, in the framework of international youth exchanges (among SEE countries and EU countries).6 countnes Serbia. Macedonia, Turkey, Portugal. Slovenia and Bulgaria are involved and we are expecting 24 participants.The venue of the training course is in the warm, and it will be held from 19.02-26.02, 2011 Dates The methodology of the training course is completely based on the principles and foundations of non-formal education, with a strong sense of European Citizenship, as also in promoting new partnerships and new project ideas.The objectives of this training course are:- To develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes of youth workers and youth leaders as facilitators within international youth exchanges.- To develop and improve skills for using methods as a facilitator within international youth exchange.- To raise awareness about quality aspects of international youth exchanges as European dimension, active participation, cultural diversity, non formal education.- To raise awareness and learn the ways to ensure active participation of young people during preparation, implementation and evaluation youth projects;- To reflect on participants' experiences and create recommendations for management of next projects within the programme "YOUTH in ACTION".- To offer the opportunity to meet possible partner groups.
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