Search for European Projects

Experiencing Youth Participation and community work in a Euro-Med cooperation context
Start date: Jul 1, 2006,

Through this volunteering program, the young people from different European countries have had the opportunity to get to know the Arab youth in Israel and life in a region that is characterised by a continuing crisis. Similarly, the Arab youth get a new and direct perspective on their own situation and through the volunteers they perceived life in Europe. The volunteers dealt with interviews and research, compiled information into press releases and reports on chosen topics like: the impact of racism and discrimination on the self-confidence of young Arab students entering Jewish universities and the impact of army service on identity and society.After a preparation of the volunteers by their sending organisations in their countries, there is a centralised pre-departure training organised by YAP. During the programme there are two evaluation meetings (mid-term and final). Moreover every volunteer has a mentor who is assuring an on-going follow-up. Most of the volunteers are staying in Northern Israel (Haifa, Nazareth and surroundings) which support the creation of a well-balanced group feeling among the volunteers. After their return to their home countries there is a follow-up including the encouragement of individual project implementation, exchange of ideas and information and Future Capital support. During the volunteering program, beside the exchange between the European and the Arab youth, another aim is to bring the Arab youth in Israel, out of their isolation from the outside world through different means: for example a Resource Database aimed at fomenting Arab youth advancement and the development of a "Travel Guide for Arab Youth".

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