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EVS in Styria
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Youth Point Birkfeld is a socio-pedagogical public institution, which operates an open door policy in the field of extra-curricular youth work. The village of Birkfeld is the client and the organization WIKI is the operator. The main idea behind the Youth Point Bikfeld is to provide recreational activities. In the Youth Points active communication and interaction through a variety of approaches (new media, sports, creativity, music and so on) is promoted. One of the key aims is to show the youngsters recreational activities that do not involve violence, crime, drugs or alcohol. The volunteer will support the team of the Youth Point Birkfeld in all areas. Hosting an EVS volunteer provides the opportunity to raise awareness of intercultural learning and respect for others. Through this placement we hope that we will increase both the volunteer's and our members’ (young people, youth workers, adults…) understanding and appreciation of a wider world. The volunteer will be hosted from October 2014 until July 2015. Heidenspass is working with young job-seekers, especially those, who are known as NEETs (not in employment, education or training). In the past eight years heidenspass gained a lot of experience in low-threshold employment for young people between the age of 15 to 25. Together with the youngsters Heidenspass produces and sells upcycling products in their workshop in the center of Graz/Austria. Furthermore they provide the opportunity to cook and eat together in their own kitchen. A main focus lies on helping the participants of the workshops to find a job or an apprenticeship. The EVS volunteer will be able to gain experience in low-threshold social work and get to know the reality of young people with difficult backgrounds. At the same time the volunteer will be involved in the product design and can realise own ideas. The volunteer will be hosted from October 2014 until April 2015.
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