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Evolution from the first stars to massive black holes (FS-MBH)
Start date: Nov 1, 2007, End date: Oct 31, 2009 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The research program that is proposed addresses the formation and evolution of gravitationally collapsed objects in the universe, from the first stars formed from primordial gas to the most massive black holes that exist at present. Particular attention is paid on observational consequences of the theory, including the 21 cm emission and absorption from the early atomic medium when the first stars formed, the reionization period, the growth of black holes and the development of an alternative scenario to understand quasar activity, the capture of low-mass stellar black holes by high-mass black holes in galactic nuclei and the consequences for LISA events.The objectives will be achieved through development of theoretical ideas using analytical tools and simple numerical calculations, as well as the use of cosmological simulations. The work will be facilitated by hiring a European postdoc, and through the integration in the host institution where the cosmology group is involved in the Dark Energy Survey.
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