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Eurotrip 2.0 - praktyczne doświadczenia zawodowe dla uczniów Zespołu Szkół nr 3 we Wrocławiu
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „Eurotrip 2.0 - vocational expirience for students of Schools Complex Number 3 Wrocław” aims to improve quality of: the service by our school, quality of vocational training of its students and in long run to strengthen the rise of the local economy. According to this 39 students of the School are going to take part in internships abroad including the preparation and evaluation phases. The students of hotels management - 22 participants and economy - 3 students, will take part in a 4 week internship in Bologna, Italy.Studetns of tourist service will take part in a 3 week internship in Sos del Rey Catolico, Spain. At the moment of internship, the students will be in the III class of their proffesional education.All the students will be assisted by supervisors / mentors.Altogether, due to the project, 39 students will receive a chance to improve their professional and personal competences related to the European labour market. Each participants will take part in the preparation cycle, based on proven methodology. The prep - programme is based on language crush – course, pedagogical and cultural preparation as well as evaluation workshop with elements of career planing. At the end of the project a conference on results and experiences from internships has been scheduled.. The project is based on the close cooperation between partners with use of the documents and tools and improvement of the methodology during the process to reach the highest possible standards. The internships will be implementes in October 2016 and Februar 2017.
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2 Partners Participants