EUROSIGNS - European sign languages for profession..
EUROSIGNS - European sign languages for professionals
Among the many barriers to training and employment for deaf people, this project tackles the insufficient number of trainers and back-up teachers able to communicate in sign language. It proposes to develop a training curriculum and methodology for sign language and communication, particular to selected occupational sectors and professions.The three educational modules to be developed tested and refined will cover basic introduction, technical language in ten sectors and technical language for selected professions. Seven sign languages will be included (EL, ES, FR, IT, BG, CZ & SK). The modules, comprising a dictionary and a multimedia manual are expected to benefit interpreters, back-up teachers, vocational trainers of deaf persons and moreover, deaf persons intending to train abroad. The package will include a series of filmed sequences and will be potentially transferable to other languages and professions.The training package and related products will be available on CD-Rom, on the EUROSIGNS website and via individual partner sites. It will be further promoted via an e-mailing list to ministries and other public agencies, vocational training providers and deaf associations, through the promotion of products at workshops and through the production of project leaflets and brochures.
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