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Europa en Red - Network Europe
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is part of the Professional Family Computing , specifically in the Intermediate Training Course . This is a school located in a rural area in the center of Extremadura region , specifically in Don Benito , Badajoz . The Institute has other secondary teachings, whose students feed while the teachings of this professional group . The participants belong to teachers in secondary and technical specialty and support pupils with special educational needs , all with sufficient technical and language training to tackle a project of this type . With respect to the activities of the most significant are highlighted as follows: - Development of an internationalization project of each of the participating schools , specifically dedicated to the employment of citizens within a common European framework. - Creating a Web Portal Project , the partners would engage in the design and configuration of this , prioritizing the different profiles - teachers and students - for those who have access to that space. In designing the Project Portal with Joomla links to " Job Searches " will be created. - Use of Web Apps : Google Docs , Google Drive, Zoho , Thinkfree . - Creation of mainly theoretical papers with Google Docs and shared with the students the center of English-speaking and uploaded to Google Drive or 4share , related to the different project activities. - Using Google Calendar tool to create calendars where you can hang the events that may arise during the project . As appointments through video conferencing via Skype . - Access to different spaces Moodle partner centers. - Accessing the Web Pages of the various partners . - Creating Forums to communicate students and teachers. - Creating and sharing blogs: with blogger . The methodology can be around participatory moment, with a high evaluation and generation of employment opportunities component for each of them , since the project is designed as a tool for overcoming language and professional barriers in order to promote employability and professional competence of the participants , both students and teachers as part of the European Union. As for the results of the project, these will be made ​​known to the immediate environment , offering the experience gained and the products thereof, by providing documentation and activities and establishing a role model for future interventions in projects this type . On the other hand , it is expected that students feel concerned an added motivation to continue with higher education in new technologies and / or encourage self-employment intention with the creation of a company. As for teachers , it is expected that this project will serve as a starting point to continue the internationalization of vocational training in the Institute and to establish new contacts for further experience in successive courses . And with regard to the project, the most prominent aspects of the same fundamental elements will be introduced as action in the school plan . In short, it is expected to contribute to internationalize the Institute , improve our projection abroad , increase the European dimension of education we provide , develop professional competence of teachers and significantly promote the employability of our students.

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2 Partners Participants