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Euromobilité Erasmus + 2015 - Pôle emploi Centre - Val de Loire
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Euromobilité Erasmus + 2015 - Pôle emploi Centre - Val de Loire" is part of the service offer supplied by Pôle emploi and strengthen its interventions in mobility and international employment. The project fits with the Europe 2020 strategy and the french Garantie pour la jeunesse scheme. It aims at developing employment and mobility.It is set in to day's context of mondialisation of the job market and of strong demand for mobility illustrated by the increasing french population willing to emigrate and living abroad.The project aims at opening european mobility to population not usually involved in such mobility, stimulating it to increase employment and growth, developing job seekers employability and contributing to a better matching between job offer and job demand. The mobilisation of european funds through Erasmus + programme meets this objective.It results from analysis of the job seekers needs (mobility wishes, answer to job search obstacles) and local recruiters. It shows to be a relevant tool for job advisers in charge of personalised support for job seekers. A total of 58 participants will benefit from the project, local resident. The access is open to all professional profiles without any age limit and qualification. It will be group departures spread all along the project length. A particular attention will be paid to opening the programme to all population (age, geographical origin, sex, level of qualification).Priority will be given to : - young under 25 NEETS (Not in Education, Employment or Training)as targeted by the "Garantie Jeunesse" scheme- certifying vocational training leavers or gratuated for less than one year7 destination countries are planned : Germany, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Cezch Republic and United Kingdom.The 3 months stay will include a 13 weeks work placement and a 40 hours linguistic course.Moreover, participants will benefit from 2 training modules "programme preparation" before departure and "programme assessment/job search" on return delivered by the Pôle emploi international adviser in charge of the programme. The project will be implemented with the collaboration of a sending organisation selected through a market procedure and hosting organisations in charge of receiving groups, work placements, linguistic course and follow up. A steering commitee composed of representatives of project promoter and sending organisation is responsible for monitoring the project, control the smooth runing of project and take appropriate decisions in case of need.The intented impact is to facilitate fast professional integration and develop employability. An objective of 70 % job placement is set within the 6 months after mobility. The outcomes for project promoter is to broaden its range of services, develop new partnerships and benefit from sharing of best practices in job seekers support.

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