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Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The " Erasmus Euromobilité + 2014 - Pôle emploi Centre " is an integral part of the service offered by the employment center for the region Centre . The project is to enable the beneficiaries to achieve a professional 3-month stay in a European company. Pôle emploi Centre completes the “Erasmus+” project by providing language training (70 hours). The project aims to develop the employability of job seekers and to contribute to a better match between supply and demand of employment.The project includes a total of 65 persons, 8 different countries , 24-month project. The analysis of available information : needs expressed by individuals seeking employment and recruitment, job market statistics helped validate the interest of the project and specify the objectives. This validation is supported by the very positive assessment of the implementation of European mobility programs for the labor market by Pôle emploi Centre for over 20 years including through the Leonardo da Vinci program. Pôle emploi Centre wishes to intensify this trend through its involvement in the new Erasmus + program. The public concerned should be registered with Pôle emploi Centre and should have validated their international mobility with their employment Advisor. Priority will be given to : - recent graduated less than one year regardless of the skill level and age - VET learners in linguistic training funded by Pôle emploi Centre - Younger than 25 years without a job or training (NEET) In addition to the Erasmus mobility, participants receive : before departure : - A linguistic and intercultural training of 70 h provided over 2 weeks in the région centre , funded by Pôle emploi Centre - A module " pre-departure " provided by Pôle emploi Advisor On return - An assessment module / job search led by a referent Erasmus + Participants without solutions receive individualized support provided by their Pôle emploi Advisor. The project is co- funded by : - the Regional Council of the Region Centre in the form of grants - and Pôle emploi Centre through the purchase of language training A communication plan will be implemented to promote Erasmus Plus project with all Pôle emploi Centre’s partners : Beneficiaries, Institutions, Companies.

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