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EuroMoba - európska mobilita
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Dec 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is corresponding with school long-term positive experience and students´ increased interest to take part in internships that are integral part of vocational practice and significant added value to secondary school study. It also meets our needs to revise and innovate School Education Programmes in all branches to implement the dual system componets. Project main objectives are: - support learners to gain and develop their competences (knowledge, skills, attitudes) in order to improve their personal development and the employability in the European labour market; - develop their foreign language competences; - get access to innovations in their branch, master them and share with peers; - understand the importance and get motivation towards the lifelong learning; - raise awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries, improve the sense of European citizenship and identity; - increase the capacity, attractiveness and international dimension of the school; - collect material and photo documentation for developing vocational and school-leaving projects; - involve excluded students in the poject; - ensure recognition of competences gained through the internship abroad; - implement examples of good practice in the own study, personal life, school programmes. 39 students from branches Car-mechanic, ICT, Marketing in tourism, Transport and logistics and 4 accompanying teachers will be involved in the project. Two-week internships will take place in Malaga, Prague, Portsmouth. Main activities within the project include informing and partcipants´ selection, preparation for the internship, supplying practical matters, logistics, selection of appropriate work places, participants´ monitoring and mentoring, internship evaluation, certification, disemination and implementation of project results into the School Education Programme. Expected project results and impacts: a) on students: gaining new knowledge and skills in their field of study, improving foreign language competences and their education results, improving self-confidence and employability; b) on the school: increase the capacities for modernization and internationalization, extend the partners´ network, attract the interest of elementary school pupils and the wide public towards the school, implementation of good practices in own activities. Project long-term contribution will be implementation of dual system components and raise of our education quality, better employability of our graduates, improvement of the school image and its position in secondary schools competitive environment within the town or region, new partnerships with the perspective of further project coperation.

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3 Partners Participants