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EUROBALTIC Civil Proctection Project II (Eurobaltic II)
Start date: Sep 25, 2005, End date: Jan 24, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EUROBALTIC II is the follow up of the BSR INTERREG IIIB project "EUROBALTIC Programme for Civil Protection in the BSR", which has established a general framework of cooperation in the area of civil protection, allowed common identification of risks and need for actions in the BSR, and resulted in a joint understanding among the project partners regarding priorities for addressing shortcomings in the civil protection capabilities of the region. The activities in the following project was focused on three identified priority areas: risk management and spatial development, building transnational capacity through exercises, training, education and research and promoting safety over sectors and borders.Eurobaltic Civil Protection Project II is a continuation of the Eurobaltic I Project. 36 partners contribute to the project creating a broad platform for knowledge and experience exchange. Participating organizations represented the BSR countries Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Germany, Norway, Poland, Russia and Sweden. They represent a broad competence, as research and education establishments (universities, colleges and schools), administrative units (different levels from district to central level) as well as fire and rescue services on county and local levels.The activities in the EUROBALTIC II project are focusing on three identified areas: risk management and spatial development; building trans-national capacity through exercises, training, education and research and promoting safety over sectors and borders. Achievements: The main outcomes of the project are good practices’ examples via pilot projects and networks. Guiding documents and reports from exercises and project pilot projects, information and examples of these good examples are available to download from the Eurobaltic II and the CIVPRO websites. Most of the results are ready to be used and can contribute to public safety training, professional education, future safety infrastructure planning and be a part of spatial development processes.
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  • 60.1%   1 022 350,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Baltic Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

34 Partners Participants