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EUCEBS - European Certificate of Basic Skills

EUCEBS will pilot and further develop the 'European Certificate of Basic Skills' within individual training sectors in each of the nine partner countries. The certificate, developed previously through Leonardo da Vinci funding, is competence-based and comprises the five domains of Communications, Numeracy, Interpersonal Skills, Learning to Learn and Citizenship.The project will address issues of 'low levels of literacy in sections of the European population', of 'social exclusion', and of 'lack of familiarity with the Information Society'. In addition, particular efforts will be made to market the output to learning venues working specifically with minority and disadvantaged groups.Learners will be able to access the certificate through a specially designed, multi-lingual website providing 'on-line, web-based assessment of learners performance towards certificate competencies'.Following piloting of the certificate, the partnership then intends to seek accreditation and further transparency with equivalent awards offered by EU Member State national qualifications authorities. It is hoped that the results could eventually become a common currency across the EU.Beyond the lifetime of the project it is planned that the 'European Certificate of Basic Skills' be considered for commercialisation in order to maintain its long-term existence.
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