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Entrepreneurship on your way
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: May 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The training course "Entrepreneurship on your way" is a 6 day project for youth leaders,youngsters and youth workers with fewer opportunities, facing economical, geographical and social obstacles and want to develop their entrepreneurship skills and find alternative solutions in their career. "Entrepreneurship on your way" will be implemented in Nicosia, Cyprus involving 31 participants coming from 9 different European countries: Cyprus, Estonia, Poland,Portugal, Italy, Greece, Lithuania, Slovenia and Czech Republic. The main aim of the project is to introduce youth entrepreneurship as a tool of fighting youth unemployment and empower youngsters to start their creative search entrepreneurial opportunities. During the training people who work directly with young people (who are either current of future job-seekers) and current job-seekers will learn how to to introduce the idea of entrepreneurship to young people, how to motivate them to be pro-active and how to support them during the process of applying entrepreneurial approach into career development. Through the Non Formal Education, activities will be accomplished in order to meet the project objectives: - Raise the awareness of youth entrepreneurship as a career option; - Raise the role of creativity that drives innovation in entrepreneurship; - Introduce tools of promoting entrepreneurial attitude among youngsters; - Raise motivation of youth workers to promote entrepreneurial attitude among youth to get involved in entrepreneurship; - Promote socially responsible entrepreneurship; - Get an overview of entrepreneurship opportunities in different European countries; - Introduce Erasmus+ Programme as a possible tool for developing entrepreneurial attitude and skills. During the training course participants will become familiar with unemployment issues in different countries, concept of entrepreneurial attitude, social responsibility of companies and other important points that are connected with youth unemployment and entrepreneurship. The project seeks to make impact on a bigger level and start empowering and motivating young people all-over Europe to become master's of own faith and also potential socially responsible employers for peers.
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8 Partners Participants