Employment & Cultural Experiences of Vocational Fi..
Employment & Cultural Experiences of Vocational Fields in the EU
Start date: Jul 1, 2014,
End date: Jun 30, 2016
Vocational Education Work Experience
here will be 30 full time participants from 4 campuses studying Level 3 vocational courses from the following curriculum areas; Health & Social Care, Childcare and Hair & Beauty. All participants will be attending a 2 week placement. The participants will experience the care of elderly patients in a Finnish/English/Swedish speaking establishment, managing receptions in Hotels and companies, supporting teaching and learning in English speaking German nurseries and working in hair and beauty salons in the City.
This type of project has been successful in it's previous undertaking and therefore is desired by the participants and accompanying staff and to continue future endeavors.
The aim is to broaden the participants employment opportunities throughout the UK. To encourage them to look at employment in other EU countries that are desiring English Speaking employees. To learn the impact of social policy and to experience different approaches to the vocational area. The participants will be encouraged to develop their interpersonal skills and their professional behaviour during the placement in preparation of future employment. These are opportunities that not all learners will have the opportunity to access during their life due to poverty issues.
The participants will develop a knowledge and understanding of vocational skills and approaches adopted by other European countries; it will encourage personal development and experience a cultural adventure that socially deprived participants might not experience. It is anticipated that this experience will result in increased confidence and motivation for the participants and future recruits. The success of this will be disseminated to other colleagues and departments with the hope of attracting future participants, broadening the local community and the College. The potential for long term benefits will hopefully be the successful recruitment of learners to vocational education and their understanding of the EU opportunities for future employment.
The presentation of Europass CV enhances promotion at work and the chance of a successful interview if applying for jobs with a number of candidates.
Apprentice Mobility
The aim of this project is to encourage employment mobility. Two apprentices from Work Based Learning L2 and Level 3 course at Crosskeys campus will be selected for this project. The apprentices will undertake a 35 hour week in the City of Helsinki, in the garage and this will entail looking after the Cities vehicles. Motor vehicle is a multi national sector where skills can be practiced and new conventions can be observed and transferred. Participants will be able to demonstrate their skills and experience practices that can be adopted and share good practice and bring back new skills to the UK. It can Broaden the market in terms of employers having an overseas contact, develop future business opportunities.
The mobility experience enables participants to understand their future employment opportunities and experience how issues such as environment alters procedures and practices in their area of expertise. The softer skills and personal development are greatly increased by undertaking a challenge like this and will increase confidence as well as employability.
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