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eInnova: mejora del éxito escolar
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

At the San Roque Highschool we have detected several issues in different contexts that undermine the teaching/learning process. We gather these issues in three main groups: 1st) the particular urban context in which the school is located, in the socially disadvantaged outskirts of the city, with a growing ethnic diversity and immigrant population; 2nd) the family context of the students that generates a high rate of early school leaving, truancy and dropout, as well as lack of motivation and family support to teachers; 3rd) issues related with the teachers such as low motivation, shortage of methodological resources to face problematic educative contexts, “burnt-out” syndrom, need of ICT training and a collective discouragement to participate in proyects, especially those which imply the use of foreign languages. This starting point leads us to define the following aims in relation to the school needs and its internationalisation:a) To improve the linguistic competence of teachers, acquiring new tools or new teaching methods that could be extrapolated to our school.b) To contact other European schools that are running programmes to improve the linguistic competence of students and teachers. c) To observe and acquire best practices in other European countries regarding education management in order to bring and apply them in our school.d) To exchange teaching experience that would enrich both the hosting and the guest schools.Three San Roque Highschool teachers are participating in this proyect with the consent of the school´s board of teachers. The activities proposed correspond to the teachers´profiles defined for each of them and the methodologies used to implement them:Activity 1. A teacher from a scientific subject department with B2 level of English at least and CLIL methodology knowledge will carry out the structured course “English for effective communication”. There is a need to improve the linguistic competence of teachers who do not belong to the Foreign languages´department, particularly in scientific subjects´ departments.Activity 2. A teacher from the Foreign languages´ department who has a good command of ICTs in the classroom will carry out an structured course on using games and ICTs as a motivating element: “Interactive Teaching - Using Educational Games and New Technologies in order to enhance learners’ motivation”. We have detected a need to innovate the teaching methods of many areas in the highschool, making necessary that some teachers acquire and spread those methods among the rest of teachers in order to encourage them to change their teaching methods towards a “learning by doing” perspective.Activity 3. A teacher from the History and Geography department who had participated in the creation of the Digital Scholar Atlas and who has had enough verifiable teaching experience abroad will perform a 1-week teaching assignment at the Károly Mihaly in Budapest (Hungary). There among Hungarian students and in Spanish, he or she will test the advantages of using the Digital Scholar Atlas as a tool when teaching geography and contrast the results with the ones obtained from the Spanish students.We are expecting that the improvement of the linguistic, methodological and digital competence of the participants will benefit their teaching practice and thus, the teaching/learning process of their students. We are aiming to provoke a snowball effect in the school that will arouse the interest and participation of other teacher in future proyects in our school, as well as motivating the teachers in general to carry out less traditional and more active methodological approaches, influenced by the present teaching currents that come from Europe. We are of the opinion that internationalizing our school will result in a global improvement in the long run and therefore, we should not miss the chance to start the task. Students will be more motivated to learn using more active and innovative methodologies, with the help of ICTs and more enjoyable and friendly activities. Moreover, the internationalization of our school will surely bring more European-like ideas into our classrooms, generating a positive current and a feeling of belonging to the EU. Our aim is to create a working group that will maintain, improve and spread the work and methodological tools acquired in the structured courses.All in all, our objective is to start a path in our school that will improve education in general.

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