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Eğitimde Kalite için Öğren, Geliştir, Uygula
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"LEARN, IMPROVE, and APPLY for Quality in Education" is a project which foresees Fatin Rüştü Zorlu Anatolian High School teaching staff to LEARN new information, IMPROVE their professional skills and APPLY newly-acquired knowledge, skills and experiences. This project provides the opportunity to participate in teacher training courses where innovative methods and teaching techniques will be acquired for school administrators and teachers of different subjects. The project has been designed to meet the needs of professional improvement and in-service training of the administrators and teachers and to realize the activities which can contribute to our strategic school goals. In addition to sharing 21st century teaching techniques and strategies with teachers, the in-service trainings aim to improve professional skills of teachers and school administrators and to increase their professional motivation. With the guidance of expected impacts, the objective of the project is to increase quality of education, to strengthen international dimension of educational training and to enhance school capacity development. The target group of the project is the teachers who haven't had the opportunity to attend trainings abroad before. The project activities include four different in-service trainings; Teaching Grammar Can be Fun- in France, Creative Teaching in the Secondary School Classroom for Teachers of English - in the UK, Social Media in the Classroom - in Italy, Teaching Through 21st Century Methodologies - in Spain. It is foreseen that the project will have an impact on school teaching staff by increasing their professional and personal capacities. When teachers and school administrators of our school improve their knowledge, experience, self-confidence and professional skills, this impact will contribute to internationalisation and increasing quality of education. Moreover, it will have an impact on our current students' achievement and visions. Consequently, this will definitely influence our next generation students.
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