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“E.T.HO.S.” – Empowerment in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ETHOS is a ERASMUS + KA1 mobility project which offers Mobility actions to VET learners. The mobility of VET learners is aimed at recent graduates from VET schools aged between 18 and 28 years old (the participants will undertake their training placement abroad within one year of their graduation) and they will realize a VET training abroad in the general vocational field in the project called "INTEGRATED RELATIONAL TOURISM" that involves differente professional fields related with tourism and promotion of cultural and enviromental heritage and provides a mobility project abroad to VET learners for a period of 16 weeks in the following countries : Spain, Portugal , Ireland, Greece, Malta, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Sweden, France , UK, Austria and Germany The integrated relational tourism is a particular kind of tourism named Relational Tourism and that goes beyond the traditional concept of supply and demand for tourism, focusing on interpersonal relationships and environmental promotion and stimulating the historical-cultural dialogue between enterprises and customers. The project also intends to devote interest to the assessment, validation and recognition of learning outcomes in vocational training courses and transfer of skills. The project was born from the collaboration of a large working group that has actively involved the transnational and national partnership. This Mobility project intends to be a privileged mean for the acquisition of new skills and knowledge in the professional field covered by the proposal , which could not be acquired in the usual training and in the economic environment of origin (the region of Sicily in the Southern part of Italy). The contexts of destination indeed stand out as unique experiential places, suitably identified by the partnership, with a strong innovative characterization and specificity in the integrated relational tourism. The primary objective is to make the project a strategic vehicle for territorial development according to the recommendations of the EU strategy for growth called "Europe 2020." It requires the involvement of a strong multi-actor partnership at local level (with substantial institutional support). The project is characterized by a strong EU learning added value thanks to the identified countries of destination of mobility. The work placements will be made in structures operating in the integrated relational tourism identified by the proposed project located in the host countries. The project will provide a period of cultural and pedagogical training in Italy before the departure. In the host country the project provides a better preparation for the professional integration in the new social environment of the hosting country. The training abroad will be certified by receiving and sending organisations, thanks to the Europass Mobility document. We evaluate acquired new skills with the goal of empowerment of the participants involved in the project. It also provided a management plan with a strong quality control and evaluation phases throughout the lifetime of the project and a broad and enhancement strategy involving all the partners. The transnational partnership involves structures operating for years in the areas of the project with a consolidated expertise in the acceptance and inclusion of young people in training. The national partnership instead involves public authorities, social partners, training institutions and private companies operating in the Sicilian Region.

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