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Diversity and Mentoring Approaches to Support Active Ageing and Integration / DIMENSAAI

Sectors like health and care have a shortage of skilled labour almost in all European countries due to increasing life expectancy and medical care demand. The employment of active seniors and people with light disabilities can improve the situation of labour shortage if they are guided by mentors, if employers have knowledge about Diversity and are convinced by the competences and reliability in working with this group of people.The objectives of this project were the transfer, adaptation and test of a mentoring model from former projects VOCA2 and IBB from Germany and other countries and dissemination and use of Diversity approaches in order to improve the participation in training and vocational education and the employment particularly of seniors and people with disabilities in health and care sector. Some ergonomically and organizational measures in the companies have been discussed within focus discussion groups in order to create/adapt work places to be suitable for seniors and people with disabilities. A social network supported by an IT platform has been developed and used within the project and after the project end supporting the members to receive useful information, to communicate and to learn cooperatively.

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