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Development of a general-purpose deep ocean float (MultiMermaid)
Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"We propose to develop an autonomous float that can dive much deeper than existing floats (5000 m instead of 2000 m), carry four times more battery capacity, and perform multiple observations at the same time.The project combines the expertise gained in the development of a floating seismometer as part of the ERC/GLOBALSEIS project with the know-how on building ocean bottom seismometers available at our laboratory Geoazur. It also capitalizes on our collaboration with oceanographers using floats for biophysical observation (project ERC/remOCEAN) and with OSEAN, with whom we developed a multi-purpose electronic card that can collect and transmit multichannel observations using commercially available floats.The resulting instrument will be useful for scientific, military and civilian applications, ranging from seismology to the detection of the ""black box"" signals emitted by an airplane that has gone down at sea."
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