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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is designed and developed by IKASLAN, Association of public vocational training centres public of the country Basque, to enable students of average degree of vocational training cycles and from virtually all professional families that are taught in the CAV can make a stay in different European countries. It is a continuation of the projects that we perform as response wing demand of public vocational training centres since 2002. It should be aware that sometimes the complexity of these projects discourages small centers and even large, so we decided since IKASLAN to respond to that demand. 59 centers of vocational training of the autonomous community support this project taking part in the same face to improvements in curricula for their students. After a theoretical and practical training at the Centre for studies, to perform a training module in workplace for 12 weeks and 400 hours. This module is that through the program ERASMUS, IKASLAN offers 90 young people from the three provinces so that it can be developed in any EU country. In these training modules content practices in terms of tasks and competence acquisition, is designed to follow the guidelines set by the education authorities and will be validated after its completion and subsequent certification of fitness. Certified by EUROPASS and the same title. These efforts are reflected in the curriculum design based on specialty and module concerned. From IKASLAN insists that the programme of work and training for the fellows is the same as which receive students carrying out their training in workplaces in Spain. According to profiles of each profession and language capabilities, we carry out the sending of students selected by the centers of the Association. Of the different States members receive two documents that make reference to the content of the training and job description. In one of them they are specified the competencies that young people must acquire and on the other there is a concrete description of the tasks to be carried out for the acquisition of these skills, this description of the tasks proved to be far more useful than the CVS sent to host partners since the simple description of qualifications often does not transmit anything to the host partner because there is that specialty in your country and not know to interpret it or much less give it content. Each fellow also carries a book of practices in which points the tasks developed daily and that they will serve for the evaluation at its own Centre also. You must also communicate according to a schedule set with his tutor in Spain through the moodle platform implemented in all centres of the network.
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