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Destination-European school
Start date: Dec 28, 2015, End date: Dec 27, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

KA1 Project-Destination European school Three priorities and targets for improvement were set out with this project : more extensive usage of ICT in teaching, making our school more Europe and internationally oriented and improving language competences of non-English teachers. Our school is one of the best equipped schools in our area, but our teachers haven't been using the real potential of the technology at their disposal.Their ICT skills are basic and their students are often more technology-savvy than them.With this project we aim to improve their ICT skills and help them integrate their newly-acquired skills into their everyday teaching and curriculum.ICT courses will increase teachers' skills and confidence in the use of ICT, they will learn how to design lessons using and incorporating technology and prepare activities to engage computer literate students.They will learn about new methods and tools which will improve the quality of teaching and learning processes and they will try to integrate innovative ways of digital teaching and learning in the school's curriculum.In the structured courses they will deal with the topics such as designing digital lessons,using of tablets and mobile phones in teaching, social media in teaching, webquests, smartboards etc. The second priority is making of our school more European and internationally oriented.So far we have taken part in a few etwinning and two Comenius projects,one teacher finished a three-month course for managers of European projects and one teacher took part in in-service training financed through LLP.However,all these activities haven't been part of school's policy and vision and through this project we want to develop a vision and a school policy which is Europe and internationally oriented.Through this project our teachers and management will be able to manage and organize all sorts of activities with schools abroad,they will be able to ensure the quality of the projects and link them to curriculum. The third priority is the improvement of language skills of non-English teachers in order to enable them to take part in projects, to start their own virtual projects and to be able to deliver cross-curricular lessons.Teachers taking part in these courses were participants of our Comenius projects and have seen that their English language skills need improvement and that the best way to improve these skills is the interaction in authentic environment. Eleven teachers were chosen for participation in the project according to their needs ,motivation ,willingness to share the experiences,integration plan and dissemination plan.Eleven teachers that are involved in this application are four English and German teachers, two German teachers,one Art teacher, one History teacher, one Croatian teacher,one Physics teacher and one Philosophy teacher. The school's coordinator helped all teachers find an appropriate course by providing them with links to different courses.Then all teachers had to make a pre-registration for their chosen course. The organisers provided them with all the necessary information about the course and practical arrangements.All participating teachers and the school's management will meet on a regular basis to monitor the implementation of the project.All teachers will have to write one report after their mobility and one report after the dissemination of the project's results.The participants will communicate with organisers during the implementation of the project via email and online communities.The participants will be monitored regularly during the ongoing project by the coordinator of the project.The coordinator will be in contact with all participants during their training placement via email and social communities. Their work programme and progress will be monitored and evaluated daily and upon finishing the course by their tutors and course providers through feedback and reflections. All participating teachers will improve their existing knowledge on the subject and acquire new skills and confidence which they will use to improve their teaching practice and to motivate their students through engaging and interesting lessons.The main target group of this project are students of our school.They will be part of new teaching processes and thus their levels of motivation and performance should be increased.The project will also have a positive reputational effect on our school, which will reflect in quality of future students. Our institution will have longer term benefits through this project in terms of completely new approaches to teaching and curriculum.All newly-acquired skills and knowledge will be integral part of the school's future curricula and all the results will be shared and used by other teachers, both in our country and abroad.

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