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Day-care center Carbonia (EVS)
Start date: Sep 5, 2016, End date: Jun 4, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The volunteer will be supporting the day-care centre for persons with special needs as an internationally enriching temporal member of the team. She / He will have the possibility to join the team meetings and supervisions in the afternoon. During the opening times (Monday – Friday from 8:30 – 12:30) she / he will always be present in the day-care centre with the educators. The main task during the opening times is to participate at the different workshops for the people with special needs:- individual and group therapy- emotional development- art therapy- cognitive training- motopedagogics- learning by playing- gardening- field trips- educational consultingBeside that the volunteer will help the equipe to organise these different projects and events like excursions to interesting places, creativity workshops, etc. in the afternoon . The volunteer will have the chance to bring in her own personality and culture. Depending on the skills and preferences of the volunteer she / he will be contributing what she / he can/wants to offer. Her / His ideas are welcome to be realized at the day-care-centre. She / He will learn to carry out her own little projects and activites with the support of the team. We will try that the volunteer will also be in contact with other EVS volunteers from Sardinia, so she / he will be embedded in an international network, get in contact with other young people and maybe develop a project together. Objectives and learning fields will be informal and non-formal education, personal developement, communication with and understanding of other people as well as organising skills and different arts and crafts. The volunteer will be motivated to document her learning process in a diary. Together with her / his mentor she / he will evaluate her / his experience and will collect them in the end in the Youth Pass.By participating at the project the volunteer will have a range of formal but especially non-formal learning benefits. Following skills will be improved:- Italian language skills- Entrepreneurial skills: she / he will learn how to organize activities for people with special needs, she / he will learn more about project management and will evolve her / his ability to turn her ideas into innovative activities- Social skills: after working in the day-care center she / he will be able to deal with people with special needs; she / he will get to know how to deal with conflicts in a constructive way- Cultural skills: she / he will get an insight of the cultural differences and commonalities- Active Citizenship: with the exchange and the network of international volunteers she / he will feel the democratic values in Europe and she / he will feel more comfortable to work/travel within EuropeParticipating at the European Voluntary Service will improve the quality of all organizations involved and opens more opportunities for future Erasmus+ projects. Through the exchange the volunteer but also all the people involved in the project (Staff and also people with special needs) will benefit in a positive way of the intercultural confrontation.
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