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Cervantes2016, Reading and European citizenship
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The projectCoinciding with the quatercentenary of the death of Cervantes, Ifitos Youth Association from Purchena (Spain), in collaboration withPurchena Public Library, HIgh Schiool and a Youth Book Club) wants to organize a youth exchange with two European partners fromItaly and Turkey to organize activities for a mutual understanding and a better European citizenship through reading of Don Quixote(adapted to youngsters).In the project We are 37 youngsters from 14 a 18, who are interested in reading. We think reading in general, and in particular reading a book so famous internationally, can be a great tool to get several goals: meet and know other cultures, to promote European citizenship, to learn other languages and to aprecciate and value the culture to spread among youngsters. We think the project will have great impact al local level and, why not, at international level thanks to social networks, because it is linked to the reading of a classic of the literature through the eyes of youngsters from several countries and classics have no borders. Our idea is the project can continue in the future and, among other activities, to develop next year a project "Cervantes-Shakespeare: the year after the centenary". So if there is some English organization interested, please contact with us. Before the exchange the participants have to read Don Quixote (adapted to youngsters) in advance and prepare performances (theater, visual arts…) about that novel. During the exchange every partner will show their performances to the other partners and, together, have to prepare a short video to encourage youngsters to read, activites about influence in our countries and Europe of Don Quixote... Of course, we will do another activities about reading and European awareness
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2 Partners Participants