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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project " BROADENING TEACHERS AND STUDENTS HORIZONS. OPENING MINDS " of a year of duration organized by the C.I.P.F.P. L'Aprenent's Ciutat, being the partner collaborator of this project the Institut des Metiers et des Techniques of Grenoble, takes as a principal aim(lens), begin the students' mobility in an immediate future and that uses as motivation and promotion for the creation of other similar short-term projects in the center and the association of the center with future partners. In turn we want to promote the progressive internationalization of the student body, professorship and organization of the center. For internationalization we deal to have a better European raising awareness, so much linguistic, since(as,like) cultural, as well as to know the technologies(skills), skills and procedures of work in the specific fields of this project, to acquire experiences that later redound to a better educational activity. The final short-term aim is to make the Vocational training more attractive for the student, doing it mas dynamic and modern, with major possibilities and opportunities of study and of work, giving him(her) a more European approach. This increasing interest we understand that it(he) will be motivating both for pupils and for teachers and will be improved in the areas of work, beside creating illusion and promoting the empleabilidad and decrease of the school failure in these matters. The matters and needs to treating in this project happen(pass) for knowing better our partner, to carry out this aim(lens) we raise the following activities: - to know the safety procedure and hygiene in the processes (in France) - to analyse didactic material used in France with regard to Spain. - to analyse facilities and technical means(ways) in centers of work. - to analyse machinery and devices, both in workshops and in centers of work (Peugeot company). - to extend information about educational technologies(skills and competences) used in this country. - to know the management and organization of similar characteristics institution/center in France. - to know the educational system in France. - to analyze the possibility of possible future formative equivalences in the countries of exchange. Methodology: there has been in use the direct observation (job-shadowing), both in classrooms and in workshops and in companies... As final aim: - We have been laid the foundations of the future project of mobility of students and teachers for the following period.

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